
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Japanese transport 100 years ago in picture

Tradition: A Japanese wasen craft travels across the water controlled by oars at the front and back of the boat

Primitive: Farm workers load up their carts pulled by cattle with hay and straw

Carried: High class men are lifted across the water on top of a wooden raft
On the water: This image appears to show a traditional fishing vessel from the Okinawa area called a sabani
Decadent: This more elaborate boat may be a Yakatabune which were lavishly decorated and has an enclosed space for guests
Progress: The invention of the rickshaw marked an era of development that culminated with the train
Slow going: Artisans, farmers and merchants used the Kago, while the more luxurious Norimono was reserved for the Samurai class
Taking the load off: The non-Samurai class would use traditional Kago, which were carried by between two and four men, to move around
Cheap: Human labour was less expensive than using horses giving rickshaws mass appeal
Elegant: The Rickshaw originated in Japan and became popular at the end of the 19th Century

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